I wrote the following lists of ministry principles about twenty years ago for the Church Manual of the New Covenant Church of God.
Principles of Ministry
*The church belongs to
Jesus Christ and he desires to give direction to the ministries of the church
through the leading of the Holy Spirit.
*The chief
responsibility of the church is not to carry out pre-packaged programs but to
jointly discover and fulfill the will of God.
*The holy Scriptures clearly reveal God's will for the church but each congregation must discover
and live out that will in its own setting.
*All believers are to be
joined to the church and in the context of the church they are to discover the will of God for
their lives and "work out their salvation with fear and trembling."
*Every member of the
church is a voice through whom God can speak to make his will known to the
congregation and therefore must be heard with discernment.
*All members of the
church must work together to plan and carry out the ministries of the church.
*The primary tasks of
the pastor and elders in ministry development are to (1) instruct the
congregation in the truths of God's Word, (2) hold the congregation accountable
for living according to God's Word, (3) "perfect the saints for works of
service" by preparing them to serve others through their individual
talents, (4) release the members of the church to fulfill the ministries God
has called them to, and (5) oversee the entire process so that all work
together for the glory of God.
Principles of Decision
Making Within the Church
*All decisions are
spiritual in nature and should be preceeded by prayer.
*All decisions are
personal and corporate. They will affect
people in the church locally and universally.
Therefore, their impact on persons and programs should be considered.
*All decisions are
theological and should be made in dialogue with the beliefs and traditions of
the church. They must be made with a
focus on knowing and doing the will of God.
*Decisions should be
made by the persons directly affected by them. Direction should emerge from the persons responsible for the ministry,
the workers.
*Decisions directly
affecting the church as a whole should be submitted to the church in conference for approval.
*It is the
responsibility of the pastor and elders of the church to oversee all ministries
and assure decisions within the church are made in harmony with the Scriptures,
church tradition, denominational polity, and other programs of the church.
*The central questions
to be asked are: (1) is this in harmony with the known will of God?, (2) will
it contribute to the mission of the church?, (3) is this in harmony with the
mission statement and other established beliefs and programs of the church?,
(4) will this make our shared ministry more effective, (5) will this place an
undue burden on people?
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